Rand is untruthful 1.1

Ayn Rand says, “… the exact meaning and dictionary definition of ‘selfishness’ is: concern with one’s own interests”[1].

The Oxford Unabridged says selfishness is: “concern for one’s own interest to the exclusion of concern for the interests of others[2].

The definition provided by Rand is not the exact meaning. That was an untrue statement.

Her claim to present the “dictionary definition” is false. There is no one official dictionary definition of any word.

Her claim to present the “dictionary definition” is unsupported. She does not footnote her claim.

Her claim to present the “dictionary definition” is demonstrably false. Her definition is not the definition in the Oxford Unabridged.

Because her definition provides only half the full meaning, her definition of selfishness is an untruth by omission.


[1] The Virtue of Selfishness, Intro

[2] oxford unabridged

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